Woodrow Wilson Quiz

    1. What field is Woodrow Wilson most famous for?
    a) Literature
    b) Philosophy
    c) Politics
    d) Music

    2. Which political party did Woodrow Wilson belong to?
    a) Republican
    b) Democratic
    c) Independent
    d) Libertarian

    3. What was Woodrow Wilson’s role before becoming the President of the United States?
    a) Senator
    b) Governor
    c) Secretary of State
    d) Attorney General

    4. What number President was Woodrow Wilson?
    a) 25th
    b) 28th
    c) 30th
    d) 32nd

    5. In which years did Woodrow Wilson serve as the President of the United States?
    a) 1909-1917
    b) 1913-1921
    c) 1921-1929
    d) 1929-1937

    6. Which major event took place during Wilson’s presidency?
    a) World War I
    b) World War II
    c) The Great Depression
    d) The Spanish-American War

    7. What was the name of Woodrow Wilson’s economic policy?
    a) New Deal
    b) Square Deal
    c) Fair Deal
    d) New Freedom

    8. What was the name of Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy?
    a) Big Stick Diplomacy
    b) Dollar Diplomacy
    c) Moral Diplomacy
    d) Open Door Policy

    9. What international organization did Woodrow Wilson propose after World War I?
    a) United Nations
    b) League of Nations
    c) International Monetary Fund
    d) World Trade Organization

    10. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed during Woodrow Wilson’s presidency, granting women the right to vote?
    a) 16th Amendment
    b) 18th Amendment
    c) 19th Amendment
    d) 21st Amendment

    11. Which major piece of legislation did Wilson sign into law, creating the Federal Reserve System?
    a) Glass-Steagall Act
    b) Federal Reserve Act
    c) Securities Act
    d) Banking Act

    12. What was Woodrow Wilson’s stance on racial segregation?
    a) He opposed it
    b) He supported it
    c) He was indifferent
    d) His views changed over time

    13. What debilitating health condition did Woodrow Wilson suffer during his presidency?
    a) Cancer
    b) Diabetes
    c) Stroke
    d) Heart attack

    14. What prestigious university did Woodrow Wilson serve as the president of before entering politics?
    a) Harvard University
    b) Yale University
    c) Princeton University
    d) Columbia University

    15. Which of the following treaties formally ended World War I?
    a) Treaty of Versailles
    b) Treaty of Tordesillas
    c) Treaty of Ghent
    d) Treaty of Westphalia

    16. Which campaign slogan did Woodrow Wilson use in his bid for re-election in 1916?
    a) “A return to normalcy”
    b) “He kept us out of war”
    c) “A chicken in every pot”
    d) “A New Deal for the American people”

    17. What major reform did Woodrow Wilson support for the betterment of the working class?
    a) Social Security
    b) Minimum wage
    c) Labor union rights
    d) Universal healthcare

    18. Who succeeded Woodrow Wilson as President of the United States?
    a) Warren G. Harding
    b) Calvin Coolidge
    c) Herbert Hoover
    d) Franklin D. Roosevelt

    19. What was Woodrow Wilson’s profession before entering academia and politics?
    a) Lawyer
    b) Physician
    c) Engineer
    d) Journalist

    20. Which of the following policies did Woodrow Wilson enact in order to prepare the United States for potential involvement in World War I?
    a) Neutrality Acts
    b) Lend-Lease Act
    c) National Defense Act
    d) Selective Service Act

Answer Key:

    1. c) Politics
    2. b) Democratic
    3. b) Governor
    4. b) 28th
    5. b) 1913-1921
    6. a) World War I
    7. d) New Freedom
    8. c) Moral Diplomacy
    9. b) League of Nations
    10. c) 19th Amendment
    11. b) Federal Reserve Act
    12. b) He supported it
    13. c) Stroke
    14. c) Princeton University
    15. a) Treaty of Versailles
    16. b) “He kept us out of war”
    17. b) Minimum wage
    18. a) Warren G. Harding
    19. a) Lawyer
    20. d) Selective Service Act