Patrick Heron Paintings

Patrick Heron (1920–1999) was a British painter, art critic, and writer. He began working as an artist at the young age of 14 by designing fabric patterns for his father’s company. He is known for coining the term “non-figurative” to describe his abstract art. Most of Heron’s work is characterized by vibrant colors and his careful use of the entire canvas space. He was inspired by the works of Henri Matisse and Paul Cézanne as well as his surroundings, such as the garden outside his window.

Paintings by Patrick Heron in Chronological Order:

The Long Table with Fruit, 1949 Harbour Window with Two Figures, St Ives: July 1950, 1950 Azalea Garden: May 1956, 1956
Red Garden, 1956 Vertical: January 1956, 1956 Scarlet, Lemon and Ultramarine: March 1957, 1957
Horizontal Stripe Painting: November 1957 – January 1958, 1957-1958 Black and Blue Stripes, 1958 Grey and Brown Stripes, 1958
Red and Yellow Image, 1958 Brown Ground with Soft Red and Green: August 1958 – July 1959, 1958-1959 Yellow Painting: October 1958 May/June 1959, 1959
Green and Purple Painting with Blue Disc: May 1960, 1960 Cadmium with Violet, Scarlet, Emerald, Lemon and Venetian, 1969 Blue and Deep Violet with Orange, Brown and Green, 1970
Blues Dovetailed in Yellow, 1970 Four Blues Two Discs, 1970 Interlocking Scarlet and Pink in Deep Green, 1970
Six in Light Orange with Red in Yellow, 1970 January 1973: 1, 1973 January 1973: 4, 1973
January 1973: 7, 1973 January 1973: 11, 1973 January 1973: 14, 1973
Small Yellow: January 1973, 1973 Scarlet, Emerald, and Orange: July-September 1976, 1976 Untitled (From The Shapes of Colour), 1978
Untitled from the Shapes of Colour, 1978 Untitled (From The Brushwork Series), 1999