Paintings by Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso

Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso (1887 – 1918) was a Portuguese painter. He originally studied at the Superior School of Fine Arts of Lisbon, though shortly after moving to Paris he decided to change his studies from architecture to painting. Souza-Cardoso studied at various French ateliers and eventually exhibited his work at the Salon des Indépendants. He was a modernist painter whose work was influenced by both Cubism and Futurism. He died tragically young, at the age of 30, due to the Spanish Flu.


Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso’s paintings in chronological order:

village-market-in-cardoso-1905-by-amadeo-sm amadeo-and-manuel-laranjeiro-1906-by-amadeo-sm pont-l-albb-1907-by-amadeo-sm
Village Market in Cardoso, 1905 Amadeo and Manuel Laranjeiro, 1906 Pont – L’Albbé, 1907
cafe-in-paris-1908-by-amadeo-sm castle-1912-by-amadeo-sm gypsies-1910-by-amadeo-sm
Cafe in Paris, 1908 Caricature of the artist Emmerico Nunes, 1909 Gypsies, 1910
house-manhufe-1910-by-amadeo-sm dancer-1910-by-amadeo-sm landscape-1910-by-amadeo-sm
House Manhufe, 1910 Dancer, 1910 Landscape, 1910
windmill-1910-by-amadeo-sm the-leap-of-the-rabbit-1911(1).-by-amadeo-sm os-galgos-1911-by-amadeo-sm
Windmill, 1910 The leap of the rabbit, 1911 Os galgos, 1911
stronghold-1912-by-amadeo-sm landscape-1912-by-amadeo-sm portrait-of-francisco-cardoso-1912-by-amadeo-sm
Stronghold, 1912 Landscape, 1912 Portrait of Francisco Cardoso, 1912
clown-horse-salamandra-1912-by-amadeo-sm castle-1912-by-amadeo-sm le-moulin-1912-by-amadeo-sm
Clown, Horse, Salamandra, 1912 Castle, 1912 Le Moulin, 1912
motion-1912-by-amadeo-sm untitled-boats-1913-by-amadeo-sm head-1913-by-amadeo-sm
Motion, 1912 Untitled (boats), 1913 Head, 1913
corpus-christi-procession-1913(1)-by-amadeo-sm girl-of-carnations-1913-by-amadeo-sm riders-1913-by-amadeo-sm
Corpus Christi procession, 1913 Girl of carnations, 1913 Riders, 1913
the-kitchen-in-the-house-manhaus-1913.-by-amadeo-sm head-1913-1-by-amadeo-sm brook-house-1913-by-amadeo-sm
The kitchen in the house Manhaus, 1913 Brook House, 1913 Head, 1913
house-manhufe-1913-by-amadeo-sm portrait-of-man-1913-by-amadeo-sm untitled-1914-by-amadeo-sm
House Manhufe, 1913 Portrait of Man, 1913 Untitled, 1914
bridge-1914-by-amadeo-sm painting-1914-by-amadeo-sm don-quihote-1914-by-amadeo-sm
Bridge, 1914 Painting, 1914 Don Quihote, 1914
basque-landscape-1914-by-amadeo-sm grief-head-boquilha-1914-by-amadeo-sm sorrows-heads-1914-by-amadeo-sm
Basque Landscape, 1914 Grief. Head. Boquilha, 1914 Sorrows, heads, 1914
woman-sevant-1914-by-amadeo-sm green-eye-mask-1915.-by-amadeo-sm windows-of-a-fisherman-1915(1)-by-amadeo-sm
Woman sevant, 1914 Windows of a fisherman, 1915 Green Eye Mask, 1915
landscape-with-black-figure-1915-by-amdeo-sm green-landscape-1915-by-amadeo-sm a-clear-house-1916-by-amadeo-sm
Landscape with black figure, 1915 Green Landscape, 1915 A clear house, 1916
popular-song-bird-and-brazil-1916-by-amadeo-sm entrada-1917-by-amadeo-sm
Popular song bird and Brazil, 1916 Parto da viola Bom Ménage, 1916 Entrada, 1917
painting-1917.-by-amadeo-sm cash-register-1917-by-amadeo-sm untitled-portrait-of-paul-alexander-1917-by-amadeo-sm
Painting, 1917 Cash Register, 1917 Untitled (Portrait of Paul Alexander), 1917
zinc-1917-by-amadeo-sm brut-300-tsf-2-1917.-by-amadeo-sm landscape-by-amadeo-sm
Zinc, 1917 Brut (300 TSF) 2, 1917 Landscape
azenhas-by-amadeo-sm the-life-of-instruments-by-amadeo-sm at-bistrot-by-amadeo-sm
Azenhas The Life of Instruments At Bistrot
composition-with-guitar-by-amadeo-sm composition-with-violin-by-amadeo-sm life-of-instruments-1916-by-amadeo-sm
Composition with guitar Composition with violin Life of instruments
red-ocean-blue-1915-by-amadeo-sm sheperd-by-amadeo-sm the-rat-1915-by-amadeo-sm
Red Ocean Blue Sheperd The Rat