New Kingdom of Egypt

The New Kingdom of Egypt, also known as the Egyptian Empire, includes the 18th – 20th Dynasties. This era is considered Ancient Egypt’s most successful and prosperous.

New Kingdom of Egypt Timeline (c. 1567 – 1085 B.C.)

1550 B.C. Egypt-New-Kingdom-small The 18th Dynasty begins with Ahmose I, who rises to power. He built some of the last pyramids in Eygpt and laid the foundation for the New Kingdom Period.
1532 B.C. Ahmose I of Thebes subdues and expels the Hyksos at Avaris, restoring power to the lands of Canaan and Nubia
1530 B.C. Ahmose-vs-the-HyksosAhmose resumes large-scale construction projects similar to those before the Second Intermediate Period. For instance, he expands the Amun temple in Karnak and the Montu temple at Armant.
1525 B.C. Ahmose I passes away. Amenhotep I begins his reign. He was not expected to ascend, but since the original heir had passed away, he would become the next pharaoh.
1520 B.C. Amenhotep_I Amenhotep I separates his mortuary temple and royal tomb, allegedly to deter tomb robbers from finding his burial site. He was the first pharaoh to do this.
1504 B.C. Amenhotep I passes away. Thutmose I, his brother-in-law, rises to power. Thutmose I campaigns all the way to Mesopotamia, makes Thebes the most imposing city of the kingdom and erects the Obelisk at the Karnak temple. The Egyptian Empire reaches its greatest expansion.
1500 B.C. The Egyptian Empire expands as far as the Euphrates.
1492 B.C. Thutmose_I_smThutmose I passes away and is the first pharaoh to be buried in the Valley of the Kings in a tomb cut in the rock.
1479 B.C. Tuthmosis-III-smThutmose III rises to power and reorganizes the bureaucracy of the empire’s military.
1479 B.C. Hatshepsut co-rules as regent with Thutmose III, her stepson, who was too young to rule alone.
1473 – 1458 B.C. Hatshepsut_Mofa_Boston_sm Hatshepsut declares herself ruler, ruling alongside Thutmose III, although practically she was the sole ruler. Her rule is marked by great progress and prosperity. When he reached the appropriate age, Hatshepsut makes Thutmose the general of the Egyptian armies.
1458 B.C. Thutmose III is victorious against the Mitannis, conquering Syria. Ancient Egypt rises to the peak of its power and influence.
1450 B.C. Egyptians develops the sundial.
1391 B.C. Amenhotep_III_sm Amenhotep III rises to power. He builds the Amun temple at Luxor and the palace at Malkata (close to Thebes).
1353 B.C. Amenhotep IV (later Akhenaten) becomes pharaoh. He marries Nefertiti and relocates the new capital to Amarna, north of Thebes, dedicating it to the god Aten and forbidding references to all other deities.
1333 B.C. Tutankhamun-sm A child named Tutankhamun becomes the ruler of Egypt. In modern times he is famous for having a fully intact tomb.
1323 B.C. Tutankhamun dies early at age 19 possibly due to congenital flaws, results of constant inbreeding among the royal family. He is consequently buried in the Valley of the Kings.
1319 B.C. General Horemheb rises to the throne, reforming the state and suppressing the preceding Amarna rulers. He relocates the capital back to Memphis.
1307 B.C. Horemheb-sm Horemheb passes away. Before this, he had appointed his vizier, Ramesses I as the next pharaoh since he had heirs (to avoid succession problems). This begins the 19th Dynasty.
1306 B.C. Ramesses I passes away. His son, Seti I, rises to the throne.
1300 B.C. Egyptians construct a canal to connect the Red Sea with the Nile River.
1290 B.C. Seth_i Seti I passes away after completing the largest tomb in the Valley of the Kings. His son, Ramesses II, rises to the throne.
1274 B.C. Battle of Kadesh between Pharaoh Ramesses II and Hittite king, Muwatalli II.
1258 B.C. The Treaty of Kadesh (world’s first peace treaty) between the Hittites and the Egyptians.
1250 B.C. Ramesses-II-sm Ramesses II relocates the capital to Pi-Ramesse in the delta and constructs the Colossus at Memphis, two temples at Abu Simbel, a tomb at Thebes, and the Hypostyle Hall of the Karnak temple at Luxor.
1224 B.C. Ramesses II passes away.
1196 B.C. the 20th Dynasty begins with Sethnakhte, who was not a direct relative of his predecessors. He may have been a usurper.
1194 B.C. Relief_of_Horus_and_Geb_sm Sethnakhte passes away. His son Ramesses III assumes the throne. He is often regarded as the last great pharaoh of the New Kingdom era.
1180 – 1178 B.C. Ramses-III-offering-incense-sqRamesses III fortifies Xois to try to hold off the threat of the invading Sea Peoples.
1180 B.C. The Sea Peoples increase their efforts in invading Egypt.
1178 B.C. Ramesses III thoroughly defeats the Sea Peoples on the shores at Xois.