Hellenistic Period of Egypt

After the Late Period, Ancient Egypt was conquered by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C. During this time, Greek culture was at the peak of its influence throughout Asia and Europe. It was also considered a time of cultural decline in comparison to Classical Greece.

Hellenistic Period of Egypt Timeline (c. 332-30 B.C.)

332 B.C. Alexander-the-Great-sm Alexander the Great, a great military leader who eventually rules an empire which stretches from the Himalayas to the Ionian sea, conquers Syria and aims for Egypt.
331 B.C. Alexander conquers Egypt and founds Alexandria at Rhakotis, an Egyptian port town.
323 B.C. Ptolemy_I_Soter-sm Alexander dies at Babylon. A long-time general of his, Ptolemy I Soter, assumes the rule of Egypt (Ptolemaic Dynasty).
307 B.C. Ptolemy constructs the library of Alexandria.
300 B.C. Pharos-of-Alexandria-sm Ptolemy constructs the Pharos of Alexandria.
283 B.C. Ptolemy passes away.
198 B.C. Antiochus-III-sqThe Ptolemaics lose Palestine to Antiochus III (Seleucids).
51 B.C. Cleopatra_and_Caesar_by_Jean-Leon-Gerome_sm Cleopatra VII Philopator becomes pharaoh of Egypt. She was often considered the incarnation of the goddess Isis. In her earlier life she married her brothers according to Egyptian tradition, but later she met and romanced Julius Caesar, with whom she had a son. After Caesar’s assassination, she romanced Mark Antony.
31 B.C. Young-Augustus-sqGaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (Augustus) levies war against Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony.
30 B.C. The-Death-of-Cleopatra-by-Juan-Luna-sq After Antony’s soldiers abandoned him to join Augustus, Atony and Cleopatra allegedly commit suicide, ending the Ptolemaic line. Egypt becomes a subject of the Roman Empire. Cleopatra VII was the last Egyptian pharaoh.