Charles Darwin Quiz

  1. What is Charles Darwin best known for?
    a) His work in the field of physics
    b) His theory of evolution
    c) His role as a military strategist
    d) His contributions to the field of chemistry

  2. What is the name of Charles Darwin’s most famous book?
    a) The Origin of Species
    b) The Descent of Man
    c) The Voyage of the Beagle
    d) The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals

  3. Which ship did Darwin sail on during his famous voyage?
    a) HMS Endeavour
    b) HMS Beagle
    c) HMS Victory
    d) HMS Bounty

  4. What is the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits called?
    a) Adaptation
    b) Natural selection
    c) Evolution
    d) Mutation

  5. What did Darwin observe on the Galápagos Islands that contributed to his theory of evolution?
    a) Different species of finches
    b) Unique rock formations
    c) Unusual weather patterns
    d) Ancient fossils

  6. Which of the following best describes the idea of “survival of the fittest”?
    a) The most physically fit individuals survive
    b) The smartest individuals survive
    c) The individuals best adapted to their environment survive
    d) The most aggressive individuals survive

  7. What was the name of the scientist who independently proposed a theory of natural selection similar to Darwin’s?
    a) Gregor Mendel
    b) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
    c) Alfred Russel Wallace
    d) Thomas Malthus

  8. What field of study did Darwin’s work lay the foundation for?
    a) Modern physics
    b) Modern geology
    c) Modern psychology
    d) Modern biology

  9. What is the term used to describe the process by which new species arise?
    a) Adaptation
    b) Speciation
    c) Divergence
    d) Convergence

  10. What is the term used to describe the process by which two or more species evolve in response to each other?
    a) Coevolution
    b) Parallel evolution
    c) Convergent evolution
    d) Divergent evolution

  11. What is the term used to describe traits that are passed from parent to offspring?
    a) Acquired traits
    b) Inherited traits
    c) Dominant traits
    d) Recessive traits

  12. What type of inheritance did Darwin propose in his theory of evolution?
    a) Blending inheritance
    b) Particulate inheritance
    c) Polygenic inheritance
    d) Mitochondrial inheritance

  13. What is the term used to describe the preserved remains or traces of organisms from the past?
    a) Artifacts
    b) Fossils
    c) Relics
    d) Specimens

  14. What is the term used to describe the study of the distribution of organisms and their evolutionary relationships?
    a) Taxonomy
    b) Biogeography
    c) Ecology
    d) Paleontology

  15. Which of the following concepts was NOT part of Darwin’s theory of evolution?
    a) Natural selection
    b) Inheritance of acquired characteristics
    c) Common descent
    d) Gradualism

Answer Key:

  1. b) His theory of evolution
  2. a) The Origin of Species
  3. b) HMS Beagle
  4. c) Evolution
  5. a) Different species of finches
  6. c) The individuals best adapted to their environment survive
  7. c) Alfred Russel Wallace
  8. d) Modern biology
  9. b) Speciation
  10. a) Coevolution
  11. b) Inherited traits
  12. a) Blending inheritance
  13. b) Fossils
  14. b) Biogeography
  15. b) Inheritance of acquired characteristics