Famous People from Peru

Peru, with its rich history and diverse cultural heritage, has produced a multitude of influential figures who have made significant contributions across various fields. This list of famous people from Peru showcases their extraordinary achievements and impact in different areas of life.

Famous People from Peru

Mario Vargas Llosa (1936-Present)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Writer, Nobel Prize Winner
A Nobel Prize-winning author known for his novels that explore the complexities of Peruvian society.
César Vallejo (1892 – 1938)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Poet
One of the most significant poets of the 20th century, Vallejo’s works are known for their innovative style and emotional depth.
Ricardo Palma (1833 – 1919)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Writer
A renowned author and scholar, Palma is best known for his work “Tradiciones Peruanas,” which blends history and fiction.
Lina Medina (1933-Present)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: World’s Youngest Mother
Gained international attention for becoming the youngest confirmed mother in medical history at the age of five.
Yma Sumac (1922 – 2008)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Singer
A renowned soprano known for her extraordinary vocal range, Sumac brought Peruvian music to the world stage.
Gaston Acurio (1967-Present)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Chef, Ambassador of Peruvian Cuisine
A celebrated chef, Acurio has been instrumental in popularizing Peruvian cuisine worldwide.
Hernando de Soto (1941-Present)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Economist
An influential economist known for his work on the informal economy and property rights.
Sofia Mulanovich (1983-Present)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Professional Surfer
The first South American to win the World Surf League World Women’s Surfing Championship in 2004.
Alberto Fujimori (1938-Present)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Former President
A controversial figure, Fujimori’s presidency was marked by significant economic growth and the end of the Shining Path insurgency, but also human rights violations.
Teófilo Cubillas (1949-Present)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Former Professional Football Player
One of the greatest South American footballers of all time, Cubillas led Peru to three World Cup finals.
Julio C. Tello (1880 – 1947)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Archaeologist
Known as the “father of Peruvian archaeology,” Tello made significant discoveries that have deepened the understanding of Peru’s ancient civilizations.
Pilar Pallete (1928-Present)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Actress
Known for her marriage to John Wayne, Pallete also had a career in film and is a figure of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema.
Lucha Reyes (1936 – 1973)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Singer
A legendary performer of Peruvian música criolla, Reyes’ emotional singing style made her an icon in Peru.
Túpac Amaru II (1738 – 1781)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Indigenous Leader
A pivotal figure in Peruvian history, he led the largest indigenous uprising against Spanish colonial rule.
Daniel Alcides Carrión (1857 – 1885)
Nationality: Peruvian
Known For: Medical Student, Medical Martyr
A medical martyr who voluntarily inoculated himself to study Carrion’s disease, leading to greater understanding and treatment of the illness.