At the Races

At the Races
Artist Edgar Degas
Year 1877-1880
Medium Oil on canvas
Location Musée d’Orsay, Paris
Dimensions 26 x 31.9 in
66 x 81 cm
Famous Paintings by Edgar Degas
A Cotton Office in New Orleans
The Dance Class
Place de la Concorde
Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando
At the Races
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At the Races is an oil painting by the Impressionist artist, Edgar Degas. It is one of his more conservative and naturalistic paintings. His depiction of the equestrian beauties and their human riders (and spectators) pays careful attention to color, light, and shadow.

He completed the work in 1880, and the time he spent on the work in total from inception to completion was 3 years. During this time he was of course working on other projects as well.


It is an action-filled piece, with horses and riders in motion and at rest in an outdoor setting. It is especially interesting for the combination of close-up detail and distant perspectives.

Degas had a special affection for such scenes, and completed a number of paintings that have riding as the general theme. As with most of the artists of the period, he chose his subjects based on his own interests and did the work on his own timeline.