Raphael Paintings

Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) was born in Urbino, Italy on April 6, 1483. He was a High Renaissance painter and architect. Because much of his artwork were produced for the Vatican, they still remain today. There is considered to be three phases of his work: early career (under the influence of his teacher), The Florentine period (when Raphael went to the city for four years), and the final years (artwork produced was considered his best). Learn more »

Artworks by Raphael in Chronological Order

Self Portrait, 1499 Portrait of a Man holding an Apple, 1500 Angel, from the polyptych of St. Nicolas of Tolentino, 1501
Christ Blessing, 1502 Madonna with Child and Saints, c 1502 Solly Madonna, c 1502
The Madonna Conestabile, 1502 Crucifixion, 1502 Diotalevi Madonna, 1503
St. Sebastian, c 1503 The Adoration of the Magi, 1503 The Annunciation, 1503
The Crowning of the Virgin, 1503 The Presentation in the Temple, 1503 Portrait of Elizabeth Gonzaga, c 1504
Portrait of the Young Pietro Bembo, 1504 Study for ‘The Knight’s Dream’, c 1504 The Marriage of the Virgin, 1504
The Marriage of the Virgin (detail), 1504 Vision of a Knight, c 1504 Lamentation over the Dead Christ, 1505
Madonna and Child, 1505 Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints, 1505 Saint John the Baptist Preaching, 1505
St. George Struggling with the Dragon, 1505 St. Michael, 1505 Terranuova Madonna, c 1505
The Grand Duke’s Madonna, 1505 The Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and St. Nicholas of Bari, 1505 The Three Graces, 1505
Galatea, detail of putto, 1506 Madonna in the Meadow, 1506 Madonna of the Goldfinch, 1506
Portrait of a Lady with a Unicorn, 1506 Portrait of Agnolo Doni, 1506 Portrait of Maddalena Doni, 1506
Self Portrait, 1506 St. George and the Dragon, 1506 The Holy Family, 1506
The Holy Family with Saints Elizabeth and John, c 1506 The Virgin of the House of Orleans, 1506 Portrait of a Woman (La Muta), 1507
The Deposition, 1507 The Holy Family with a Lamb, 1507 The Pregnant Woman, La Donna Gravida, 1507
The Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist, 1507 Theological Virtues, 1507 Colonna Madonna, c 1508
Detail of the ‘Tempi’ Madonna, 1508 Madonna with the Baldachino (detail), 1508 Niccolini-Cowper Madonna, 1508
St. Catherine of Alexandria, 1508 The Esterhazy Madonna, 1508 Study for the Disputa, 1509
The Madonna of Loreto, 1509 Disputation of the Holy Sacrament (detail), 1510 The Aldobrandini Madonna or The Garvagh Madonna, 1510
Bridgewater Madonna, 1511 Gregory IX Approving the Decretals, 1511 Justice, from the ‘Stanza della Segnatura’, 1511
Philosophy, from the ‘Stanza della Segnatura’, 1511 Poetry, from the ‘Stanza della Segnatura’, 1511 Prime Mover, from the ‘Stanza della Segnatura’, 1511
The School of Athens, 1511 Study for the Head of a Poet, c 1511 The Alba Madonna, c 1511
The Disputation of the Holy Sacrament, 1511 The Judgment of Solomon, 1511 The Parnassus, from the Stanza delle Segnatura, 1511
The Virtues, 1511 Theology, from the ‘Stanza della Segnatura’, 1511 The Triumph of Galatea, 1512
Madonna della Tenda, c 1512 Portrait of Pope Julius II, 1512 The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple, 1512
The Madonna of Foligno, 1512 The Mass at Bolsena (detail), 1512 The Prophet Isaiah, 1512
Madonna Studies, 1513 Putti, detail from The Sistine Madonna, 1513 The Madonna of the Fish, 1513
The Sistine Madonna, 1513 Ceiling, 1514 Madonna of the Cloth, 1514
Pope Leo I Repulsing Attila, 1514 St Peter Escapes with the Angel, from ‘The Liberation of Saint Peter’ in the Stanza d’Eliodoro, 1514 The Battle of Ostia, 1514
The Coronation of Charlemagne, 1514 The Fire in the Borgo, 1514 The Guards Outside the Prison, detail from ‘The Liberation of St Peter’ in the Stanza d’Eliodoro, 1514
The Liberation of St. Peter, in the Stanza D’Eliodoro, 1514 The Liberation of St. Peter, in the Stanza D’Eliodoro (detail), 1514 The Mass of Bolsena, from the Stanza dell’Eliodor, 1514
Portrait of a Young Man, 1515 Portrait of Bindo Altoviti, 1515 Study for St. Paul Preaching in Athens, 1515
Study of God the Father, 1515 The Madonna of the Chair, 1515 Hanno, The Pope’s Leo X Elephant, 1516
Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione, 1516 St. Cecilia with Saints (detail), 1516 St. Cecilia with Saints (detail 2), 1516
St. Cecilia with Sts. Paul, John Evangelists, Augustine and Mary Magdalene, 1516 The Veiled Woman, or La Donna Velata, c 1516 The Fall on the Road to Calvary, 1517
Holy Family (known as the Grande Famille of Francois I), 1518 Jacob’s Dream, 1518 Joanna of Aragon, 1518
Portraits of Leo X Cardinal Luigi de’ Rossi and Giulio de Medici, 1518 St. Margaret, 1518 St. Michael Overwhelming the Demon, 1518
Study for the Holy Family, 1518 The Holy Family of the Oak Tree, c 1518 The Virgin of the Rose, c 1518
Vision of Ezekiel, 1518 Isaac and Rebecca Spied upon by Abimelech, 1519 Jacob’s Encounter with Rachel, 1519
Moses Saved from the Water, 1519 Scenes from the Life of David, 1519 The Creation of the Animals, 1519
The Judgment of Solomon, 1519 The Separation of Land and Water, 1519 Head of a Woman, 1520
The Portrait of a Young Woman (La fornarina), 1520 St. John the Baptist in the Desert, 1520 The Transfiguration, 1520
The Transfiguration (detail), 1520 The Transfiguration (detail 2), 1520 Angel (fragment of the Baronci altarpiece)
Birth on Good Friday Christ’s Charge to St. Peter (cartoon for the Sistine Chapel) Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple(detail)
Madonna and Child Madonna of the Baldacchino Madonna of the Cloth (detail)
Madonna With Child And St. John The Baptist Miraculous Draught of Fishes Miraculous Draught of Fishes
Portrait of a Cardinal Portrait of a Man Portrait of a young woman
Portrait of Andrea Navagero and Agostino Beazzano Portrait of Cardinal Dovizzi de Bibbiena Portrait of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino
Self Portrait with a Friend St. George and the Dragon St. Paul Preaching at Athens (cartoon for the Sistine Chapel)
Studies for the Transfiguration Study for the ‘Entombment’ The Alba Madonna
The Baptism of Constantine The Battle at Pons Milvius The Blessing Christ
The Blinding of Elymas (cartoon for the Sistine Chapel) The Death of Ananias (cartoon for the Sistine Chapel) The Healing of the Lame Man (cartoon for the Sistine Chapel)
The Judicial Virtues: Pope Gregory IX approving the Vatical Decretals; Justinian handing the Pandects to Trebonianus (detail) The Madonna of the Blue Diadem or The Madonna of the Veil The Miraculous Draught of Fishes (cartoon for the Sistine Chapel)
The Serpent & The Cross The Sibyls (Santa Maria della Pace) The Visitation
Tommaso Fedra Inghrami Vision of the Cross